2019 Summer Throwdown!
CFDA In-House Comp. The Summer Throwdown will kick-off at 8:00am Saturday, July 27th, 2019. This will be an individual competition for Fun! Prizes will be given out for the Top Athletes as usual. I will try to find some cool stuff to give you! Other than that, it’s gonna be a great day of Fitness!
WOD No. 1
‘Welcome Home’
50 Cal Assault Bike
50 Wall Balls
WOD No. 2
30 Snatches for Time.
Men: 135lbs
Women: 95lbs
6 Minute Cap
WOD No. 3
‘Max Pain’
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Squat Clean and Jerk
Men: 155lbs
Women: 105lbs
WOD No. 4
Toes to Bar
Burpees over the Bar
Men: 205lbs
Women: 135lbs
Looking forward to an Awesome competition! Please remember to RSVP so we can organize accordingly! Thank you!