Holiday Wars 2021 Week 1

With a running clock each athlete has 4 minutes to complete each section and move on to the next one. If the athlete completes the section prior to the allotted time, the athlete may begin the next section. However, If the athlete does NOT complete the section in the time given the athlete must move on to the next part and will be penalized at the end.

Complete the following for time:
    0:00-4:00 Section 1 – Row 1000m/900m (M/F)
    4:01-8:00 Section 2 – 45/35 Bar Facing Burpees over the Bar
  8:01-12:00 Section 3 – 30 Clean and Jerk (135lbs/95lbs)
12:01-16:00 Section 4 – 50 Box Jump Overs (24’/20′)

Section 1
Men will Row 1000m 
Women will Row 900m

Section 2
All Athletes must jump over the bar with a 2 foot take off. Stepping over is NO Rep. One foot take off is a NO rep.

Section 3
Men will use 135lbs
Women will use 95lbs

All cleans will start from the floor. Athletes may bypass their shoulders and just go straight overhead if desired.

Section 4
All athletes must jump with 2 feet takeoff. One foot take off or step ups will be a NO rep. Athletes may jump completely over the box. Feet do not have to touch the box. Athletes do not have to stand up on the box. Feet may only pass over the box and not around the box.

Men will use a 24 inch box. Women will use a 20 inch box.

Masters 40+:
The Row is the same.
Masters may step over the bar.
Men will use 95lbs Women will use 65lbs
Masters may step over the box.

The Row is the same.
May step over the bar.
Men will use 65lbs and Women will use 45lbs
Alternating Step ups not overs. Athletes must stand up completely on each rep with both feet on the box.

Any reps remaining in each round will result in a 1 second penalty added to your final time.
For example if you miss 40m on the Row + 10 Burpees + 3 Clean and Jerks + 7 Box Jumps You are penalized 60 Reps and your time will be Your final time + 1 Minute. (In this case you didn’t finish anything and got capped out at 16:00 so your final time is 17:00)

Strategy Tips**

This workout requires a bit of strategy for some. You will want to limit the damage as much as you can. If there is a particular section you don’t think you will fair well in then maybe it’s best to put as much effort as you can in the areas you will. The row is the set up. It will all be determined here how the rest of the workout goes. Blowing yourself up in the first section may result in being too gassed to finish the remaining parts. You must maintain a minimum 2:00/500m for guys and 2:10/500m for ladies.*

*I suggest setting the rower up beforehand. Countdown from 1000m and set a pace boat to the necessary pace as to not fall behind.

The Bar facing burpees aren’t the worst part in my opinion but if you hate burpees then you may have a tough time. Like I said if you fall behind in part 1 and you hate part 2 then you need to factor that into your strategy on where you can limit the most damage and still make up the work. Don’t rush and keep a good pace in order to complete this section. It certainly can be done.

The Clean and Jerks were the worst part for me. Singles are the best bet here. Lift it up and drop it. Holding onto the bar after the first 2 parts will mostly be a waste of energy but to each their own. Stand up completely at the top of the jerk or suffer the consequences of NO REP!

Lastly the box jump overs can be done relatively quickly. You just have to be nimble. Jump step off, turn around, jump again. Keep moving because at this point there isn’t much else to do, but finish this damn workout!

What I did

I know I am not a strong rower and pushing the row for me would have been just unnecessary given the amount of work remaining is far greater. I set the rower like I mentioned above and kept that pace. I finished the row at 3:57 then jumped off the rower and immediately hit the deck for the 45 burpees. I don’t quite remember how long they took me, but I’m pretty sure it was around the 7:00 mark. Getting to the clean and jerk was most important because I knew that was going to take the most time. The clean and jerks were singles as I suggested above. I tried to group them in 3s or 4s but just getting reps done was the goal. By the time I got to the Box Jump Overs I knew I could keep moving, but I was gassed more than I would have like to be. Took the first jump then took like a :20 break. After that just tried to keep knocking reps down and as I got closer to the end I was able to just finish it out. I think my final time was 13:57 over 2:00 ahead of the time cap. The workout is doable. Just gotta put your head down and do the work!

Best of Luck to all competitors! If you have any question (I’m sure you do) Feel free to reach out!


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