How the Plate Method can help your Nutrition

When it comes to Nutrition, there are a number of different diets out there, zone, paleo, keto, low carb etc… Most people try these diets and make a little progress to start, but fail to be consistent and then fall back into hold habits.

One method we like to teach here at CFDA is, the plate method. The plate method is a simple tool used for planning meals. It results in tasty meals that are good for you, boost energy, and keep you feeling satisfied.

The plate method helps you control portion sizes of starchy, carbohydrate-containing foods that have the most impact on blood glucose levels. Helps you focus on eating more non starchy vegetables, which are low in carbohydrates and calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. All while providing a map to consuming enough lean protein.

Think about your plate of food for a moment. What’s on it? How much of each item? What’s taking up the most space vs. the least? Are there any vegetables on it? If this was your meal everyday would this meal help you reach your goals or work against you? Are pasta and heavy starches taking up the most room while vegetables and proteins make up the rest? Most people may do that. Load up on pasta and put a couple of meatballs and maybe something green.

We like to use a slightly different approach. Think about your plate. Divide the plat in half and on that half place all of your veggies for the meal. (Broccoli, brussel sprouts, squash, peppers, etc.)
Then divide the other half of the plate into half again or quarters. In each quadrant, lean protein (Beef, turkey, chicken, salmon, tofu…etc.) and starchy vegetable (grains, quinoa, sweet potato etc.)

Plate Method

What we are trying to build are healthy eating habits and placing more emphasis on how to get more veggies in our diets. Vegetables aren’t dense in calories, but can be voluminous which will fill you up better and aid in digestion along the way.

Some of you may be saying, “sure this works for lunch and dinner, but I don’t want to eat a plate of veggies for breakfast!”

You don’t necessarily have to eat a plate full of veggies for every meal like this, it’s just a good foundation to have. My breakfast actually does consist of a full plate of roasted vegetables and eggs almost every morning. If you have been here in the mornings you have probably seen me with it. (you know I’m not lying!)

The goal is to get you to think about how to fill your plate a little differently to help you achieve your goals.

At CFDA, we are here to provide the tools and support to hold you accountable and be successful. If that’s something you’re interested in. Click here to schedule a time to chat with a Coach today!



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