Stay the course! Results are coming!

Have you ever tried to lose weight, go to the gym more often, or stick to a diet only to find that your goals aren’t making any progress? It’s easy to get discouraged with these types of goals. However, there are several things you can do to help yourself achieve them if you’re consistently working toward them.

Find a plan that works for you.

The most important element of any plan is that it works for you. A plan is more than just a diet; it’s also a way of life. A good plan will help you succeed in all aspects of your health and wellness, including:

  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Sleep patterns
  • Stress management

One does not work with out the other. They all work together to provide the foundation for success.

Stick to the plan consistently.

You can stick to the plan consistently.

It’s not easy to stay on track when you want to give up. If you feel like giving up, here are some tips:

  • Remind yourself why you started in the first place. What were your goals? How will this help you achieve them?
  • Plan ahead and make adjustments as needed. If there is something that might be keeping you from completing a task on time, try building it into your schedule so that it doesn’t become an issue later on in the day or week (and then make sure not to push past its due date). Or maybe take some time off if things aren’t going well—the fact that our lives are stressful right now should be no reason for us not being able to enjoy ourselves!
  • Ask for help if necessary; there is no shame in asking someone else for advice or assistance when we need it!

Avoiding giving up on your goals should be the goal.

You should also be aware that consistency is the most important part of achieving your goals. This means being consistent in your work, but it also means avoiding giving up on your goal when you don’t see immediate results. It’s easy to get discouraged when things aren’t going as planned or even when things are going well: maybe you noticed some improvement in one area, but not all of them; maybe someone else achieved what you wanted faster than you hoped; maybe someone else even made fun of how long it’s taking for you to reach this goal. If this happens and makes it difficult for you to keep working toward your long-term goals, then you need to make adjustments to the plan.

Work towards short term goals that lead to success in the long term goals.

If we want to squat 300lbs and our current best is only 200lbs than shouldn’t one of our short term goals be to squat 210lbs first?

Baby steps. Whatever path(s) lead(s) toward success—whether it takes several weeks or several months—the most important thing is consistency over time (and perhaps frequent measuring).

We cannot get bogged down by the success of others. We are here to support one another in achieving individual success together!

Stop trying to find shortcuts and start putting in the work.

Long time (and new) readers of this site will know that I have a tendency to get pretty preachy about consistency and how it is the only way to achieve your goals. This is because I believe this so strongly! The truth is, there are no shortcuts, there are only hard work and dedication. So if you want results, stop looking for shortcuts and start putting in the work.

Before we can achieve our goals, we need to put in the hours of training required—I mean come on! How else do you think we become good at something? The only way to achieve anything worthwhile is by putting in the hours of practice before reaching any goal or milestone.

What’s the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

There’s an old saying, “What’s the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” While this may seem like a silly answer, it is actually very useful. Eating an elephant means achieving something that seems overwhelming when viewed as one big task. Instead of trying to tackle your entire project all at once, you can break it down into smaller goals such as making progress on each step and celebrating those achievements along the way.

It’s important not to rush through your meals or skip them altogether because it will make you feel unsatisfied throughout the day with lower energy levels than if you were able to satisfy your hunger with smaller portions of food more frequently throughout the day.”

  • Eat in moderation (don’t overeat) – It takes about 20 minutes for our brains to register that we are full; therefore eat slowly so that by the time this happens, we’ve eaten only what our bodies need.* Break down your goal into smaller chunks – Breaking down a large task into small steps helps us see what needs doing next so that we can take effective action towards achieving our goals in life.”

Consistency is more important than intensity to achieve long-lasting results.

What does it really mean to be consistent?

If you’re a fitness enthusiast, you’ve probably heard the term “consistency” thrown around before. But what does it mean? And why is it so important? It’s time for us to break down this concept and explain how to use consistency as a tool in your fitness journey.

First, let’s look at what consistency actually means: Consistency refers to the ability or tendency of something to happen repeatedly or continuously over time without interruption. In other words, being consistent means that you do something often enough so that it becomes habitual and impacts your life on a daily basis. For example, if you want to eat healthy every day but don’t have much money left after paying bills each month (which is often the case), then creating habits around cooking meals at home could help alleviate some stress while also improving your health!

I know that it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see results right away, but remember that consistency is key. If you stick with your plan, the results will come!

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