Super Total 2021

The Super TOTAL!!!

Saturday, December 11th at Marble Strength kicks off the final work for the 2021 Holiday Wars Season! 

What is the Super Total?!?!?

Athletes will have 7 minutes to establish a 1 rep max for each of the following lifts:
Snatch from Floor
Clean & Jerk from Floor
Back Squat
Push Press

To sign up for the Super Total Event only click the link here!!!

For the Snatch portion – Athletes will be given time to warm up prior and then when it is their heat, they will have 7 minutes to find their one rep max for the day. Athletes must load their own bar and lift must start from the floor. Athletes can use straps if they like. Any style Snatch and press outs are accepted, just know the people who will do the best will have beautiful tech and heavy weights so keep that in mind!

Each athlete will have a judge. The judge is there to give the down signal and assess Good Lift vs. No Lift.

What is a good lift?

Athlete lifts the weight from the floor to overhead with fully locked out arms and stands all the way up, waits for the down signal, then drops the bar in front of them following it all the way down with control.

Why is it a No Lift?

  • The lift was failed.
  • The athlete failed to stand up fully.
  • The athlete failed to wait for the down signal.
  • The bar may came in contact with the athletes shoulders or head during the lift.
  • The Athlete took the lift from the hang. 
  • The athlete deadlifted the bar then performed a touch and go lift.
  • The athlete dropped the bar behind their head.
  • The athlete lifted after time was up.

For the Clean and Jerk – Athletes will be given time to warm up prior and then when it is their heat, they will have 7 minutes to find their one rep max for the day. Athletes must load their own bar and lift must start from the floor. Athletes cannot use straps for this lift. Any style clean and press will be accepted, just know the people who will do the best will have beautiful tech and heavy weights so keep that in mind!

Each athlete will have a judge. The judge is there to give the down signal and assess Good Lift vs. No Lift.

What is a good lift?

Athlete lifts the weight from the floor to the shoulder and then lifts the weight to overhead position and finishes with fully locked out arms and stands all the way up, waits for the down signal, then drops the bar in front of them following it all the way down with control.

Why is it a No Lift?

  • The lift was failed.
  • The athlete failed to stand up fully.
  • The athlete failed to wait for the down signal.
  • The athlete failed to lockout the bar overhead.
  • The Athlete took the lift from the hang. 
  • The athlete deadlifted the bar then performed a touch and go lift.
  • The athlete dropped the bar behind their head.
  • The athlete lifted after the time was up.

For the Back Squat – Athletes will be given time to warm up prior and then when it is their heat, they will have 7 minutes to find their one rep max for the day. Athletes must load their own bar and lift will start from a rack. Athletes can use belts, wraps, sleeves. No squat suits. One style of squat is accepted. Full depth. Failure to make depth means you get a no lift, but may take the lift again in the same set.

If the athlete bails on the weight and drops it to the floor, it is their responsibility to lift the weight back to the rack in order to take more attempts.

Each athlete will have a judge. The judge is there to give the rack signal and assess Good Lift vs. No Lift.

What is a good lift?

Athlete Squats the weight to full depth and stands all the way up. Once the judge sees control and gives the rack signal, the lift is complete and considered a Good lift!

Why is it a No Lift?

  • The lift was failed.
  • The athlete failed to stand up fully.
  • The athlete failed to wait for the rack signal.
  • The athlete failed to meet depth.
  • The Athlete took the lift from the front.
  • The athlete dropped the bar behind their back without racking the bar.
  • The athlete lifted the weight after time was up.

For the Push Press – Athletes will be given time to warm up prior and then when it is their heat, they will have 7 minutes to find their one rep max for the day. Athletes must load their own bar and lift will start from a rack. Athletes can use belts, wraps, sleeves. No squat suits. The Push press is a Dip and Drive. Lock everything out at the top and wait for the good lift signal!

If the athlete bails on the weight and drops it to the floor, it is their responsibility to lift the weight back to the rack in order to take more attempts.

Each athlete will have a judge. The judge is there to give the rack signal and assess Good Lift vs. No Lift.

What is a good lift?

Athlete dips and drives the weight overhead and locks their body out completely in one motion. Once the judge sees control and gives the rack signal, the lift is complete and considered a Good lift!

Why is it a No Lift?

  • The lift was failed.
  • The athlete failed to lock their arms out.
  • The athlete failed to wait for the good lift signal.
  • The athlete performed a push jerk. (re dipped to catch the bar)
  • The Athlete took the lift from the back.
  • The athlete dropped the bar behind their back without racking the bar.
  • The athlete lifted the weight after time was up.

For the Deadlift- Athletes will be given time to warm up prior and then when it is their heat, they will have 7 minutes to find their one rep max for the day. Athletes must load their own bar from the floor. No deadlift jacks may be used. Athletes can use belts, Straps, sleeves. No deadlift suits. Conventional or Sumo is accepted. The Athlete must stand up completely, wait for the down signal and return the bar to the floor. Dropping the bar, will result in a NO LIFT!

Each athlete will have a judge. The judge is there to give the down signal and assess Good Lift vs. No Lift.

What is a good lift?

Athlete lifts the weight from the floor and stands up fully. Once the judge sees control and gives the down signal, the athlete must return the bar to the floor with both hands remaining in contact all the way down. Then the lift is complete and considered a Good lift! Hitching, pausing is ok, but not ideal.

Why is it a No Lift?

  • The lift was failed.
  • The athlete failed to stand up fully.
  • The athlete failed to wait for the down signal.
  • The athlete dropped the bar from the top.
  • The athlete lifted the weight after time was up.

In house Participants- Heats will be finalized the week of. Please do not arrive late! We have a tight schedule to keep and I want to get to the Pizza and beer!

Top 3 Male and Female will win medals and Top athletes will win something else, undecided until I see how many extra lifters we have 🙂 

I believe that is all of the information I can provide you with for the standards. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via Email: [email protected]

Best of luck to everyone! Let’s complete this Holiday Wars season with a bang!




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