Rowing is a great way to get in shape and stay fit. It can be intimidating at first, but with some practice you’ll be an expert in no time. Here are the basics of rowing on a Concept 2:
The Catch
The catch is the point where your body is in the most powerful position.
Your legs should be bent, and your arms should be straight. Your back should be straight, and your head should be looking forward.
The Drive
The drive is the most important part of the stroke. It’s where you generate power, and it’s where you can make the biggest difference to your performance.
The drive is also the part of the stroke where you are closest to the water, so it’s worth spending a bit of time thinking about what your body position should be when you reach this point in your row.
The Finish
Finally, finish with a strong, straight back. This will help you get the most out of each stroke and build your endurance over time. After you complete one full stroke cycle and before starting the next one, allow your arms to relax back down by your sides so you can take in a deep breath. Then pull hard again on both pedals for another full stroke cycle and repeat until you reach 1,000 meters (or however many sets of 10 strokes that it takes).
Also be sure to finish with your arms straight out from your shoulders, relaxed shoulders, chest high—and legs in whatever position is comfortable!
The Recovery
The recovery is the most important part of your stroke because it allows you to prepare for your next stroke. Your arms should remain straight and relaxed during the recovery, with your hands in the catch position.
Your back should remain straight and level throughout the entire stroke cycle. This will ensure that you are using a full range of motion with each stroke, maximizing efficiency and minimizing drag on your legs.
Keep your legs straight so that they are aligned with one another while still allowing them to bend naturally as they move through their range of motion during each stroke. Keeping them slightly bent will help keep them from getting tangled up in one another when turning over at high speeds (such as those experienced by competitive rowers).
Learn these basics, and you’ll be rowing like an expert in no time.
- The Catch: This is the motion of your hands and arms that begins the stroke and pulls you away from the machine.
- The Drive: Your legs are pushing against the footboard, propelling you forward, which helps to keep a consistent rhythm going.
- The Finish: When your arms reach full extension at the finish line of each stroke, you’ll want to bend them slightly so that they’re under tension for this next stroke (you don’t want limp arms). Also make sure that your shoulders stay square with your hips throughout this part of the stroke so that there’s no twisting or turning involved—it should be a straight line through both sides of each arm and back again all while maintaining constant pressure on those handles!
- Recovery: While recovering from each push during an effective rowing workout with a Concept 2 Rower Machine can take several seconds per cycle because there are many factors involved in keeping good form throughout each movement outlined above.”
And that’s it! If you’re a novice rower and want to learn more about the basics of rowing, sign up for our free Rowing Clinic with Coach Mike Zurla!
Click the link here to register <– 6 Spots Only!