Workout Notes: Thursday October 24th 2024

Mayhem Registration:

2:00 Cardio of Choice
Foam Roll
Mobility and Stretching
-Banded shoulder stretch
-Lat stretch
-Wrist and forearm stretch
-Bird Dogs
-Cat Cows
-Fire Hydrants
-Press Ups and Pike

Specific Warm-up for Box Jumps, Wall Balls, and Push-ups

2 Rounds:
10 Air Squats
5 Inchworms with a Push-up
5 Box Step-ups (focusing on a soft landing and control)
10 Wall Ball “Touches” (light wall ball throws to warm up movement pattern)

Skill-Specific Movements:
Hand-Release Push-ups: 2 sets of 5 to ensure proper form and core engagement.
Box Jump Overs: Practice stepping down or using a lower box if needed, focusing on landing softly.
Wall Balls: Perform 10-15 light wall ball shots to the target, emphasizing full depth in the squat and explosive drive.
Active Recovery Workout Focus

This workout is designed to move the body smoothly, promote circulation, and aid in muscle recovery. Athletes should focus on proper form, smooth transitions, and steady pacing to stimulate recovery without overexertion.

4 min AMRAP x 4 rounds

6 Hand-Release pushups
9 Box jump overs 24″/20″
12 Wall balls 20/14 lb

2 min rest between rounds

Pick up where you left off each round

Workout Prep:
Box Jump Overs: Focus on a soft landing. Step down if needed to reduce impact on the knees and ankles.
Hand Release Push Ups: Ensure proper alignment. Body should stay stacked and braced throughout.
Wall Balls: Focus on consistent breathing and squat depth. Aim to get 10′ for men and 9′ for women. Keep the ball high at face.

Stimulus & Goal:
Stimulus: This workout has a moderate intensity and places emphasis on smooth, controlled movements. The focus should be on clean reps and pacing.

Goal: Athletes should aim to complete 4-6 rounds in total, maintaining consistency throughout all rounds. Focus on smooth transitions between exercises to maximize rounds completed.

Scaling Options:
Box Jump Overs: Scale to step-ups or reduce the height of the box (use 16-18” if necessary).
Hand-Release Push-ups: Scale to knee push-ups or incline push-ups if needed.
Wall Balls: Scale the weight to 14/10 lb or reduce reps to 8-10 per round.

Post-Conditioning Bodybuilding Focus
9-Minute EMOM:

Minute 1: 10 Single-Leg KB RDL, Left Leg (Hold one KB with both hands)
Minute 2: 10 Single-Leg KB RDL, Right Leg
Minute 3: 20 Alternating Reverse Lunges with a KB (Hold KB in front rack or goblet position)

Single-Leg Movements: Emphasize control, balance, and engaging the core. Move deliberately and focus on muscle activation rather than speed.
Reverse Lunges: Ensure full range of motion and proper knee tracking, keeping the front knee in line with the toes.
Cool Down Bodybuilding
3 Rounds:

0:20 on / 0:10 rest:
V-Ups or Knee Tucks
Glute Bridge Hold
Side Plank Right Side
Side Plank Left Side

Focus: Core stability and strengthening, combined with glute activation for recovery. Keep movements smooth and controlled.



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