Yoga/Mobility Saturdays

Summer Hours are coming up next week. Which means 2 Added classes during the week at 8pm (Tuesday and Thursday) as well as an earlier schedule for the weekend! 

Beginning Saturday, July 7th classes will be 8am and 9am CrossFit. 10am MarbleFit as well as 10am ‘Yoga Flow’ Mobility/Flexibility Class with Carolina.

What is ‘Yoga Flow’?
Below is a brief description written up by Carolina to describe the journey she plans to take you on.

‘Yoga Flow’ Mobility/Flexibility Training 

Regardless of your flexibility level or previous experience with yoga, you will benefit from adding focused mobility training to your usual Crossfit routine. I will lead you through a flexibility ‘yoga flow’ with elements of traditional yoga class mixed into general stretching and mobility that focus on the areas of the body we work on throughout the week. Each session will aim to release those sore/tight areas and focus on finding the balance needed to support them. Every week we put our bodies through a great deal of stress, it’s important to unwind and take a moment to reset your body. 

Any and all levels are welcome! Everything we do will be tiered with options for any flexibility level, so don’t be shy. And for those of you who have past experience with yoga or advanced skills, I will sprinkle in some flexibility and balance challenge poses (aka ‘party poses’) for you to try out! 

Look out on the schedule for class times. There may be a MarbleFit class going on simultaneously. Hopefully, this works out for the Summer and we can continue this class for the rest of the year. 

Looking forward to an awesome Summer with you guys!


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