5 ways to healthier eating habits

Eating healthy is more than just about what’s on your plate. It’s also about how you feel, how much energy you have and how nutritious your diet is. Eating well can improve your health and boost your moods while eating poorly can make you feel sluggish, tired and depressed. The good news? You don’t need to follow a specific diet or eat 100 percent organic food in order to consume a healthy diet. There are simple ways you can start making healthier choices today that will help improve all aspects of your life!

Eat your vegetables

You probably know that vegetables are good for you, but there are a lot of different reasons why. For one thing, they’re high in fiber and nutrients. Plus some vegetables have higher amounts of vitamins and minerals than any other food group (especially dark green leafy vegetables like kale or collard greens). And when it comes to antioxidants, some research has shown that eating more antioxidants may help reduce your risk of cancer by preventing free radical damage.


Vegetables also have anti-inflammatory properties—they can help keep your body from developing inflammation which is linked to chronic diseases like heart disease and arthritis. Some research even shows that they might help protect against other health problems like diabetes or Parkinson’s disease!

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for your overall health, but it can be difficult to remember to drink enough water. The average person should aim for eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, but the exact amount depends on how much you weigh and how active you are.

As a general rule:

  • Drink two cups of water before every meal.
  • Drink three cups when you wake up in the morning and right before bedtime. You can also sip on a cup throughout the day, especially if you’re exercising or it’s hot outside (when you sweat more).
  • Avoid drinking too much at once—it might make your tummy hurt! Instead try sipping slowly over an hour or so.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are essential for a balanced diet. They’re an important component of every cell and can help you feel full. Healthy fats are also great for your skin, hair, and nails.

Your body needs more healthy fats than it does saturated or trans fats (the type of fats found in junk food). Good sources of healthy fats include nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty fish like salmon; olive oil; canola oil; and peanut butter (just make sure to check the label because some brands contain added sugars).

Home cooked fresh meals


Make a habit of preparing home cooked fresh meals. Many restaurants use unhealthy ingredients, like high levels of sodium, in their foods to help improve the taste and texture. These ingredients can be damaging to your health over time, so instead of eating out at restaurants for every meal, try preparing your own food at home.

You can make healthier choices when dining out as well! Most fast food places have options that are lower in calories and fat than what they once were; even if you do not eat these foods every day, it is important to be aware that there are healthier options available today than ever before.

Reinvent breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and yet it’s often skipped or rushed. Make sure to start your day with a solid breakfast that will keep you full until lunchtime.

  • Whole grains like oatmeal, quinoa and whole wheat toast are great choices. Not only do they provide fiber and vitamins, but they also have a low glycemic index—meaning they won’t spike your blood sugar levels like processed foods tend to do.
  • Fruit is another good way to get antioxidants in your body first thing in the morning (or any time of day). Research shows that eating an apple each day can reduce lung cancer risk by up to 37 percent for smokers!
  • Nuts and seeds contain healthy fats that help make you feel full longer than other foods—and if you’re trying not to eat meat during breakfast hours, nuts are an excellent alternative source of protein too!

It’s important not only what we eat at breakfast but how much we eat as well; research suggests those who skip their morning meal tend to have higher BMIs than those who don’t (1). This may be partly because skipping meals throughout the day tends to lead people into overeating later on when their bodies are craving food due lack energy reserves built up during mealtimes earlier in the day—not what you’re looking for when trying lose weight!

You can reinvent your diet by taking small steps to make healthier choices.

One of the most difficult aspects of making a dietary change is starting from scratch. You may have tried to eat healthier in the past, but you may have quickly fallen back into your old habits.

This can be frustrating and discouraging, but it doesn’t mean that you should give up on improving your health. Instead, focus on making small changes over time until you’re eating healthier than ever before!

If you’re new to healthy eating habits, don’t worry about trying every new food right away or becoming an expert overnight. Instead:

  • Eat frequently throughout the day (every 2-3 hours) so your body stays energized and full longer without feeling deprived of food; this way it’s easier to resist unhealthy snacks between meals or after dinner because they won’t seem as appealing when there’s still plenty of time until breakfast!
  • Make sure that each meal contains a good balance between protein (your muscles’ preferred fuel source), carbohydrates (the brain’s preferred fuel source) and fat—you should aim for 50% carbs/30% protein/20% fat overall per meal; this will help keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent energy crashes later in the day when hunger hits again…and again…and again…and again…etcetera ad infinitum!

These are just a few of the many ways you can make small changes to your diet and lifestyle that will lead to great results. There is no magic formula or quick fix, but by making small adjustments here and there, you can slowly start making healthier choices that will eventually add up over time.

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