Our Fat-loss Program

How do you use fitness to reduce body fat and build muscle?

Well, there are lots of ways to do it. We’ll tell you how we do it, and we guarantee it works! (Don’t take our word for it. Feel free to ask any of our clients!)

group class work out

We use a combination of cardiovascular training and strength training to burn calories and build muscle. What that means is that we don’t just do steady state cardio or lift 3 sets of 10 at a random weight. Our coaches create programs that are perfectly designed to help clients accomplish goals.

Every day our Group training classes are a little different. Some days will be a 2 part-er with a Strength element and a Conditioning element. Other days might just be a longer endurance workout and some days are for recovery. We like to vary the intensity in different areas each day to ensure a proper balance of work. We focus on full body workouts that help burn fat/calories steadily throughout the day.

The end result? You get stronger and build a little muscle. When you apply these ideas regularly, it is going to yield some incredible results. No, your abs won’t instantly pop out. That’s a long-term goal, but you will notice that clothes start to fit better, and you’ll be able to see some visible changes. You’ll also be able to see clear progress in your workouts and when we do our inbody scans.

Another secret: You can accelerate your progress by improving your diet. (We can help with that, too!)

Now Click here  and come talk to us. We’ll make a plan for you and tell you exactly how you can lose fat everywhere!

Inspired by Two-Brain Business and Two-Brain Media.


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