Workout Notes: Friday, October 11th 2024

Mayhem Registration:

2:00 Cardio of Choice
Mobilize and Stretch
Hip Circle
Dynamic stretching:
Leg swings (front to back and side to side) – 10 each side
Arm circles (small to large, forward and backward) – 10 each direction
Hip circles – 10 each direction

Specific warm-up:
2 sets of 10 deadlifts with an empty bar
1 set of 5 deadlifts at 50% of your 1RM

Points of Performance:
Setup: Feet hip-width apart, barbell over midfoot, hands just outside the knees.
Tension: Engage lats, brace core, and create tension in the posterior chain before lifting.
Lift: Maintain a neutral spine, push through the heels, and drive hips forward.
Control: Lower the bar with control, keeping it close to the body.


AMRAP X 4 minutes X 3 Rounds
400m Row
20 Deadlifts (155/105)
Max Box Jumps with the Remaining Time

Rest 2 Minutes between rounds

Workout Prep:
Review rowing technique and deadlift form for efficiency. Ensure box jump landings are soft and controlled.

Stimulus & Goal:
Push hard for maximum box jumps. Aim for consistent effort across all 3 rounds.

Scaling Options:
Deadlift: Scale to a lighter weight (135/95).
Box Jumps: Step-ups or reduce box height.


Workout Notes: Saturday October 12th 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Dynamic Warm-ups (General Warm-up):10 Air Squats10 PVC Pass-throughs5/5 Samson Lunges with Reach Specific Warm-up (Thruster & Sit-up Prep):5

Workout Notes: Monday October 7th, 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Hip Circle–into–2 Rounds5 Good Mornings w/ PVC5 Clean Pulls below knee w/ PVC5 Power Cleans w/ PVC5 Tall


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