I love lifting heavy weights.
It’s a great way to build strength. Plus, I’ve always loved weightlifting as an activity, and it’s been my favorite part of all my training sessions ever since I began in Brooklyn with my brother, Frank. However, it can be tricky to know how much weight to use. When to add weight and when to scale it back. It takes time to develop this skill and learn how to move more and more weight.
If you use too much weight when you lift, it can be easy to get injured by overextending yourself or using improper form—and sometimes even with proper form. So what’s the secret? How do we safely lift heavy without getting hurt? Well…here are some tips:
Proper form is important, because it’s the best way to prevent injury. Proper form means using the right muscles in the right order at the right time.
It’s also fun!
Tempo work is a way to lift heavy without getting injured. It’s also an excellent way to feel the movement all the way through in every aspect. Tempo work can help you slow down to be in the best positions.
Tempo training involves lifting a weight for a set number of reps in each set, with an emphasis on controlling the descent as well as the ascent. For example: You’re doing Back Squats with 135 pounds for 5 sets of 3 reps; each rep should take 1 second on the way up and 3-5 seconds on the way down–the idea being that if you learn how to control the movement all the way from start to finish engaging every muscle necessary.
Having a Coach can help keep you safe and get results. A good coach will help you with form as well as plan out your workouts for the week. He or she can also help you with your goals and mindset, which are both very important aspects of lifting heavy weights safely.
A proper plan is the most important thing. It’s not enough to just have a random workout and think that you’re going to get strong and healthy. You need a well-designed program, with rest days, deloads and other factors taken into account.
We also have nutrition plans that are designed specifically for those who lift heavy weights – including prehab food recommendations (see below).
Finally, mobility work and recovery techniques are essential for anyone who wants to lift heavy without getting injured or having their lifts suffer because they’re too tight or stiff in certain areas of their body
Bracing is a key component of heavy lifting, and it’s something that you should be doing every single time you lift anything. You might be thinking: “But I don’t want to look like a football player”. Well, first off, if that’s what you’re worried about then please go back and re-read this article because your priorities are completely out of whack; also, bracing isn’t just for athletes! It can help with any kind of movement where weight needs to be transferred from one place to another–which means it will help anyone who lifts anything at all (and even those who don’t).
Bracing is an active process during which we use our core muscles (abdominals) along with other surrounding muscles such as lower back muscles or upper back/shoulder girdle muscles in order to stabilize our spine before lifting any weight heavier than 20 pounds above our head level. This helps prevent injury while still allowing us to move freely without restricting ourselves from using our full range of motion. The core is everything.
Lifting heavy can be a great way to build muscle and get fit, but it’s important to know how to do it safely. If you don’t have proper form or plan ahead when lifting weights, then you could end up getting injured before even starting out on your fitness journey! Take some time today to think about what type of lifting routine would work best for you. Then take your time learning how to properly perform these movements. Don’t rush to add weight. Be safe, brace, and execute! The results will come!