Workout Notes: Wednesday October 9th, 2024

Bring a Friend Workouts begin today!

Mayhem Registration:

2:00 Cardio of Choice
Mobilize and Stretch (Partner Style):
After the relay challenge, move into some mobility work to prep for the workout:

Banded Shoulder Stretch – 30 seconds per side
Hip Flexor Stretch – 30 seconds per side
PVC Pass-throughs – 10 reps with a partner to keep things interactive!
Fire Hydrants – 5/5 each side
Scapular Pull-ups – 5 reps, focusing on lat engagement for pull-ups
Partner Game Warm-up (8 minutes):

Partner Relay Challenge:
Setup: Divide the class into pairs. Create a relay using cones or designated points across the gym.
How It Works: Each pair takes turns completing the following movements:
10 Squats (sync them with your partner!)
5 Inchworms (with a high-five at the top)
10 Jumping Jacks

Quick shuttle sprint to the cone and back

The Challenge: Each partner alternates completing one full round. See how many rounds the pair can complete in 8 minutes! Lots of encouragement and fun interaction is the key here.

Specific Warm-up (Snatch & Pull-up Prep):
2 Sets:
5 PVC Snatches (Focus on shoulder mobility and hip extension)
5 Scapular Pull-ups (Engage the lats for control during pull-ups)
5 Barbell Power Snatches (lightweight) (Focus on smooth movement and timing)

AMRAP X 20 Minutes
10 Pull Ups
10 Power Snatch (75/55)
15/12 Cal Row

Can be done in teams or 2 if needed!

Workout Prep:
Pull-up Review: Go over smooth, efficient kipping for pull-ups, focusing on core engagement and shoulder mobility. Scale options include banded pull-ups or ring rows to ensure all participants are comfortable.

Power Snatch Technique: Focus on a strong pull from the ground, using hip drive to get the bar overhead. Emphasize a smooth transition under the bar and control in the overhead position.

Rowing Technique: Remind athletes to focus on leg drive and consistent strokes. It’s easy to spike the heart rate here, so pacing is key.

Stimulus & Goal:
Stimulus: This workout combines strength, endurance, and skill with the alternating movements. The challenge will be maintaining steady, consistent pacing throughout the AMRAP while managing grip fatigue from pull-ups and snatches.

Goal: Athletes should aim to complete 6-7 rounds within the 20-minute timeframe, depending on fitness level and experience. Encourage partners to work together, motivate each other, and push for smooth transitions.

Scaling Options:
Pull-ups: Scale to banded pull-ups or ring rows for athletes newer to gymnastics movements.
Power Snatches: Scale the weight to 75/55 lbs or adjust reps if needed. Athletes can also perform hang snatches if mobility or form is a concern.
Rowing: Scale the row with fewer calories or sub the bike.

Cool Down (Partner Stretching – 5 minutes)
After a solid workout, let’s cool down with some simple, relaxing partner stretches:
Partner-Assisted Lat Stretch:
One partner kneels while the other gently pulls their arms overhead to stretch the lats and shoulders (30 seconds per side).
Hamstring Stretch:
One partner sits with legs extended forward, and the other gently pushes their lower back to deepen the stretch (30 seconds per side).
Quad Stretch:

Standing next to each other, support each other’s balance while pulling one foot toward the glutes for a quad stretch (30 seconds per side).
Breathing Focus:

Final Words:
Celebrate your effort! Encourage everyone to stay for the post-workout chat and meet other participants, and remind them about upcoming events like the Pumpkin Carving on Friday at 6pm! 🎃


Workout Notes: Saturday October 12th 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Dynamic Warm-ups (General Warm-up):10 Air Squats10 PVC Pass-throughs5/5 Samson Lunges with Reach Specific Warm-up (Thruster & Sit-up Prep):5

Workout Notes: Monday October 7th, 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Hip Circle–into–2 Rounds5 Good Mornings w/ PVC5 Clean Pulls below knee w/ PVC5 Power Cleans w/ PVC5 Tall


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