Your ‘Third Place’

Ever heard of a “third place?”

A sociologist named Ray Oldenburg made up that term for our gym. Well, maybe not exactly. But if home is your “first place” and work is your “second place,” third places are for reflection, recreation, relationships and re-energizing. 

Our gym is most definitely a “third place,” and we work really hard to make it an amazing environment for everyone. We take a lot of pride in running a gym that’s a friendly, fun, and professional place. 

Everyone that comes in is a huge part of that!

Our general rules are try to keep the place clean and treat everyone exactly the way you’d like to be treated!

Keep a positive attitude and be open to instruction! Our Coaches are here to help guide you the right way! 

It’s not easy to walk into some place new and accept it as your own. We like to welcome everyone who is willing to work hard to reach their goals.

Our goal is to make sure you hit yours! Keep making this place special and hold it as your ‘Third Place’.

Dark Athletics really is a special place thanks to our members. Thanks to all of you for helping to make our gym amazing.


3 Protein-Packed Meals to try this Weekend

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Quinoa and Chickpea Salad Recipe

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Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!