Holiday Wars 2019 Week 3

We are heading into Week 3 of Holiday Wars! The First 2 Weeks were child’s play, now we get into the real deal!

Rx M/F
For Time:
1200m Row
50 Thrusters (95/65)
30 Handstand Push Ups

Masters Rx M/F
1200m Row
50 Thrusters (75/55)
50 Hand Release Push Ups

Scaled M/F:
1200m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Hand Release Push Ups

16 Minute Time Cap! 

Thrusters Standard: May Squat Clean first rep. Full Squat, Hip crease below Knee. Full Lockout at the top Head through! No Funny Stuff or Bro Reps! 
Handstand Push Ups Standard: Must begin in a fully locked out Handstand before your first rep counts. Nothing but your feet may touch the wall at the top of the rep. Butt May not be against the wall at the top of the rep! Get that thing off!

Hand Release Push Ups Standard: Hands must be off the floor at the bottom of the rep. Must be in a full plank at the top. Hips sagging = NO REP! No Funny stuff! No Sandbagging! Be cool Daddy-O!

Any questions, see me for a slap in the face for not reading this BLOG Post! 
Good Luck!

Find the Current Leaderboard Here!


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