Workout Notes: Friday October 25th 2024

Mayhem Registration:

2:00 Cardio of Choice
Mobilize and Stretch
Hip Circle
Dynamic Stretching:
Leg swings (front to back and side to side) – 10 each leg
Arm circles (small to large, forward and backward) – 10 each direction
PVC Good Morning, Back Squat, Behind the Neck Press (2 sets of 10 each)

Specific Warm-up for Deadlifts
2 Sets with an Empty Barbell:
10 Deadlifts focusing on proper form and activation of the posterior chain.
1 Set at 50% of 1RM:

5 Deadlifts to reinforce technique, control, and core bracing.
Strength Focus: Deadlift (No Deficit)
4 Sets of 3 Deadlifts at 85% of 1RM with 2:00 rest between sets.

Points of Performance:
Setup: Feet hip-width apart, barbell over the midfoot, hands just outside the knees.
Tension: Engage the lats, brace the core, and create tension in the posterior chain before lifting.
Lift: Keep a neutral spine, push through the heels, and drive the hips forward at the top.
Control: Lower the bar with control, keeping it close to the body and maintaining tension throughout the movement.
Coaching Tip: Emphasize strong bracing and proper setup to maintain form, especially as the weight increases.

4 rounds for time:
10 DB Shoulder to Overhead
20 Situps
50′ DB Walking Lunge (25′ Down and Back)

Workout Prep:
Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead: Review the technique for push press or push jerk, ensuring athletes drive through the legs and finish with fully locked-out arms.

Sit-ups: Emphasize using the core and maintaining proper range of motion with shoulders passing the hips on the way up.

Walking Lunge: Focus on a controlled descent during each lunge, keeping the chest tall and the back knee close to the floor. Athletes should ensure proper stability throughout.

Stimulus & Goal:
Stimulus: This workout tests both strength and stamina, particularly in the shoulders, core, and legs. The goal is to maintain a steady pace, keeping transitions smooth between movements.

Goal: Athletes should aim to complete the workout in 12-15 minutes. Consistent effort across all four rounds will be key to managing fatigue and keeping a strong pace.

Scaling Options:
Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead: Scale the weight to 35/25 lbs or perform a strict press for athletes unable to use their legs.
Sit-ups: Scale to abmat sit-ups or crunches if needed.
Walking Lunge: Reduce distance to 25′ or substitute with stationary lunges for athletes with mobility limitations.

Cool Down
After the workout, incorporate light stretching and mobility to promote recovery:

Pigeon Pose – 1:00 each side to stretch the hips and glutes.
Couch Stretch – 1:00 each leg for the quads and hip flexors.
Child’s Pose – 1:30 to open up the shoulders and lats.
Seated Forward Fold – 1:30 for hamstring and lower back recovery.


Workout Notes: Saturday October 26th

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Dynamic Warm-up (2 Rounds): 10 Jumping Jacks10 Walking Lunges with Overhead Reach (alternating legs)10 Scapular Push-ups10 PVC Good

Workout Notes: Thursday October 24th 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Foam Roll–into–Mobility and Stretching-Banded shoulder stretch-Lat stretch-Wrist and forearm stretch-Bird Dogs-Cat Cows-Fire Hydrants-Scorpions-Press Ups and Pike Specific Warm-up for Box

Workout Notes: Wednesday October 23rd 2024

Bring a Friend Continues! Mayhem Registration: Group Mobilize and Stretch: Let’s loosen up and get ready to move together! Hip Flexor Stretch (30 seconds per


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