Workout Notes: Monday October 21st!

Mayhem Registration:

2:00 Cardio of Choice
Mobilize and Stretch
Hip Circle
2 Rounds
5 Good Mornings w/ PVC
5 Clean Pulls below knee w/ PVC
5 Power Cleans w/ PVC
5 Tall Cleans w/ PVC

Review the Power Clean with a Pause: Focus on connecting to the bar, staying tight, and staying over the bar to engage the legs.

With the bar set above the knee its going to push you to use your legs better for a more explosive jump and catch.

3 Sets (with an empty bar): Pause 5-count at Lift Off (just above the floor) x 3 reps 3 Clean Pulls 3 Power Cleans

Gradually add weight after each set.

Points of Performance:
Straight bar path: Keep the bar close to the body throughout the lift.
Leg drive: Focus on using the legs and maintaining tension in the posterior chain.
Explosive pull: Fully extend at the hips and pull under the bar quickly.
Landing: Land with bent knees, absorbing the impact and standing tall to finish.

15 min AMRAP:
1000m bike
10 Toes to Bar
15 DB front squats


Workout Prep:
Bike Prep:

Have athletes do a 30-45 second bike sprint at moderate pace to practice pacing and get a feel for the biking portion of the workout.

Toes-to-Bar Prep:

Practice 5-8 reps of toes-to-bar, focusing on smooth kipping and core control.

Scale to knee raises or hanging leg raises for athletes needing a modification.

Dumbbell Front Squat Prep:

Perform 2 sets of 5 reps with light dumbbells or an empty barbell, focusing on full depth in the squat and keeping the chest up.

Build to working weight.

Stimulus & Goal:

  • Stimulus: This workout is a moderate-length AMRAP that combines cardio, gymnastics, and strength. The bike will challenge athletes’ cardio, while toes-to-bar and dumbbell front squats focus on core and leg strength.
  • Goal: Athletes should aim for 3-4 rounds in 15 minutes, pacing themselves on the bike and breaking up the toes-to-bar and squats into manageable sets to maintain consistency.

Strategy & Coaching Tips:

  1. 1000m Bike:
    • Athletes should aim for a steady, moderate pace on the bike—fast enough to keep their heart rate elevated but not so fast that they can’t transition smoothly into the toes-to-bar.
    • Coaching Tip: Focus on strong, consistent leg drive while controlling breathing to avoid spiking the heart rate too early.
  2. 10 Toes-to-Bar:
    • Break up the reps early if needed, especially if grip or core fatigue is a factor. Encourage athletes to do sets of 5-10 reps depending on their ability.
    • Coaching Tip: Cue athletes to maintain a tight kip and core control, focusing on a smooth movement rather than rushing through the reps.
  3. 15 Dumbbell Front Squats (50/35 lbs):
    • Keep the chest up and ensure the elbows stay high to maintain balance with the dumbbells. Athletes should focus on using their legs to drive up from the bottom of the squat and avoid leaning forward.
    • Coaching Tip: Encourage athletes to break this into 2 sets (e.g., 8/7 reps) if necessary to maintain good form and consistent movement throughout the workout.

Scaling Options:

  1. Bike:
    • Scale the distance to 800m for beginners or those needing to reduce the intensity.
  2. Toes-to-Bar:
    • Scale to knee raises, hanging leg raises, or abmat sit-ups if athletes struggle with toes-to-bar.
    • Focus on keeping the movement controlled and engaging the core.
  3. Dumbbell Front Squats:
    • Scale the dumbbell weight to 35/20 lbs or lower if needed to maintain proper form and depth in the squats.

Pacing & Tips:

  • Bike: The bike should be done at a moderate pace—fast enough to keep intensity high but controlled enough that athletes can transition into the toes-to-bar without burning out.
  • Toes-to-Bar: Break into smaller sets to avoid grip and core fatigue. Encourage athletes to take short, efficient rest periods if they need to break.
  • Front Squats: The squats are where athletes may feel fatigued, so encourage them to stay focused on form and breathe through each rep. Break up the reps into manageable sets as needed.

Cool Down Routine (5-7 minutes)

  1. Child’s Pose (1 minute):
    • Stretch the lower back and shoulders after the toes-to-bar and squats.
  2. Pigeon Stretch (1 minute per side):
    • Stretch out the hips and glutes after squatting.
  3. Lat Stretch on Rig (1 minute per side):
    • Stretch the lats and shoulders after the toes-to-bar.
  4. Quad Stretch (30 seconds per side):
    • Focus on releasing tension in the quads and hip flexors after the biking and squats.

Final Coaching Notes:

Focus on Squat Form: Ensure athletes are keeping the dumbbells secure in the front rack position and maintaining depth and control during the squats.

Consistency Over Speed: Remind athletes to focus on consistency throughout the 15 minutes. It’s important to maintain steady pacing rather than sprinting and burning out early.

Break Up the Toes-to-Bar: Encourage athletes to break up the toes-to-bar into smaller sets early to avoid grip and core fatigue later in the workout.


Workout Notes: Saturday October 26th

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Dynamic Warm-up (2 Rounds): 10 Jumping Jacks10 Walking Lunges with Overhead Reach (alternating legs)10 Scapular Push-ups10 PVC Good

Workout Notes: Friday October 25th 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Hip Circle–into–Dynamic Stretching:Leg swings (front to back and side to side) – 10 each legArm circles (small to

Workout Notes: Thursday October 24th 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Foam Roll–into–Mobility and Stretching-Banded shoulder stretch-Lat stretch-Wrist and forearm stretch-Bird Dogs-Cat Cows-Fire Hydrants-Scorpions-Press Ups and Pike Specific Warm-up for Box


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