Workout Notes: Wednesday October 23rd 2024

Bring a Friend Continues!

Mayhem Registration:

Group Mobilize and Stretch: Let’s loosen up and get ready to move together!

Hip Flexor Stretch (30 seconds per side)
Banded Shoulder Stretch (30 seconds per side)
Ankle Circles (10 each direction)
Fun Dynamic Warm-up (2 Rounds, Partner Up for Extra Fun):

10 Air Squats (Partners face each other, mirror each other’s movements)
5/5 Samson Lunges with Overhead Reach (Alternate sides, high-five your partner when you pass!)
5 Inchworms with a Push-Up (Crawl toward your partner, meet in the middle for a high-five)
10 PVC Pass-throughs
5 Scapular Pull-ups (Engage those lats, focusing on form)

Specific Warm-up for the Workout
We’re getting into more technical movements, so let’s break it down!

Pull-up & Snatch Prep (2 Sets):

5 PVC Snatches (Warm up your shoulders and hips)
5 Scapular Pull-ups (Engage the lats for pull-up control)
5 Barbell Snatches (lightweight) (Focus on pulling from the floor with tight form)
5 Kipping Swings (Warm up for those pull-ups!)

Barbell Warm-up:
2 sets of:
3 Power Snatches (empty bar, focus on bar path)
3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (stay over the bar)
3 Overhead Squats (lightweight, work on mobility)

Complete 5 Rounds of the following for time:
600m Row
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Perform in Teams of 2 if needed.
Team Workout:
800m Row (Broken up into 400m each)
16 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (8 Each)
18-14-10-6-2 (Divide the work evenly)
Snatch (whatever weights work best)

Workout Prep:
Snatch Review: Focus on solid form as the weight climbs. Break reps early if needed, but maintain quality. Cue athletes to use their legs for power and keep the bar path straight.
Row: Review technique, focusing on the catch of the chain and keeping a loose grip on the handle.
Chest to Bar Review: Keeping your lats tight and chest up as you cycle through the reps. Chest hits the bar every rep or scale down accordingly.

Stimulus & Goal:
Stimulus: This workout challenges strength, endurance, and skill. With the mix of barbell work, jumping, and running, athletes need to pace their efforts and transition smoothly between movements.

Goal: Aim for consistent pacing, completing each round in approximately 2-3 minutes. Total workout time should fall between 20-25 minutes.

Scaling Options:
Snatch: Scale the weights or sub in Clean and Jerks if needed.
Row: Reduce Distance or sub bike or ski.
Chest to Bar Pull Ups: Sub Chin over bar pull ups or Ring Rows. Banded Pull Ups are also ok!

Points of Performance:
Keep the bar path close to the body.
Focus on strong leg drive and fast elbows under the bar.
Control the bar overhead, locking out with active shoulders.

Fun Cool Down (Bring a Friend Edition)
Light Cardio (3 Minutes):
3:00 Light Row or Bike – Easy pace, chat with your partner and reflect on the workout!

Partner Stretching & Mobility:
Partner-Assisted Lat Stretch: One partner holds onto the rig while the other gently helps them stretch deeper.
Hamstring Stretch: Partners sit on the ground, facing each other. One leans forward while the other pushes gently to deepen the stretch.
Quad Stretch: Standing next to your partner, balance on one leg and help each other stretch quads by pulling the foot toward the glutes.
Thoracic Spine Stretch (Thread the Needle): Use this to open up the back after overhead work.


Workout Notes: Saturday October 26th

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Dynamic Warm-up (2 Rounds): 10 Jumping Jacks10 Walking Lunges with Overhead Reach (alternating legs)10 Scapular Push-ups10 PVC Good

Workout Notes: Friday October 25th 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Mobilize and Stretch–into–Hip Circle–into–Dynamic Stretching:Leg swings (front to back and side to side) – 10 each legArm circles (small to

Workout Notes: Thursday October 24th 2024

Mayhem Registration: 2:00 Cardio of Choice–into–Foam Roll–into–Mobility and Stretching-Banded shoulder stretch-Lat stretch-Wrist and forearm stretch-Bird Dogs-Cat Cows-Fire Hydrants-Scorpions-Press Ups and Pike Specific Warm-up for Box


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